Annette moreno really means so much to me since as a person when I started in the truth I needed to have strenth in many areas . Specially in the personal emocional area. When the Lord found David and me we had gone through a very difficult problem not between the both of us but together in our life. So I feel the Lord spoke to me via music and via Annette. This particular song I love because as human being we tend to have
"un corazon de piedra" In this song she descrives how we feel when we arent close to the Lord an we have difficulty being humble and bending to what the Lord wants us to do in our personal life or inour life period. I have been through many things in my life and I have had "Un corazon de piedra " at times. I feel bonding with the Lord has made me realize how wrong I was and how I ned to make the changes if I wanna live a happier life. Yes to be able to make a change we have to first recognize we arent perfect and we have made mistakes and we must want the change .I hope this osng can be a blessing in your life as it has been to me in mine.
"Corazon de Piedra "
No quiero pensar, en lo que fue ayer,
Porque ayer lloré como una loca y tan
duro me enoje así mismo fué me encerré me
puse a pensar en mil errores que
tengo que cambiar.
Que lástima que tienes que escojer,
si quieres o no quieres las emociones.
Sin querer te invaden el alma
y tu corazón todo te demanda.
Quédate como un paralizado
sin mover un pie,
sin mover la mano
te vas a quebrar si te congelas.
Eso es lo que espera
un corazón un corazón de piedra.
No siempre es fácil buscar la salida,
como un laberinto
no los pintan los temores de la vida.
No tengas miedo de
fallar en la vida mira hacia arriba
y sentirás tu protección divina.
" 1 of 110 children are being DX with Autism in the USA "

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Autistic children can learn about Jesus
What would you do if your son was diagnosed with Autism? Find out how one family battles rejection and eventually finds acceptance at a local church. For a full video, visit Worship at one of our physical campuses or at the NewSpring Web Campus ( For more info, visit
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