One of the things that I have learned from the AUTISM experience is that literally what you eat and what you feed your kids makes a huge difference. In a persons mood, behavior and over all health. Starting with Overweight children we move to Neurological disorders, those being. PDD-NOS (in other words AUTISM), Aspergers, Mental retardation, OCD, Anxiety, Depression etc.
Studies Link childhood obesity to sleep problems, Lower quality of life (can’t do what normal kids their age do) Complications during surgery. Mood swings more health problems in the future then peers their own age. Not to mention low self steam. They are more likely to be picked in the school then other children.
What the CDC saying about our overweight children:
Since the 1980s, the number of overweight children (ages 6–19) has more than tripled in the United States. Today, 18 percent of elementary school children are overweight. Two major factors are contributing to this rise in overweight children:
• On average, children in the United States spend almost six hours a day with electronic media: TV, computer, and video games.
• Only 29 percent of children in the United States attend physical education classes daily; down from 42 percent in 1991.
In an effort to address these troubling statistics, CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) promotes the use of a Coordinated School Health Program Model (CSHP) to aid schools and communities in preventing and reducing chronic diseases in school children. CSHP includes eight interactive components that enable schools and communities to create their own coordinated school health programs
http://www.cdc.gov/Going on to Neurological disorders: We are dealing with every 20 min. a child is diagnosed with PDD (Autism) in our country. The mental health services have increased significantly since 2008. Now 1 in 110 is being diagnosed with some form of Autism.
Diagnosis of ADHD increased an average of 3% per year from 1997 to 2006. [
Read article ]
Boys (9.5%) are more likely than girls (5.9%) to have been diagnosed with ADHD. [
Read article ]

There is one thing that I have learned in my way to healing my kids with Autism/Aspergers/anxiety that is that whatever they put in their mouth is important. Dr. Jean Lake described to me the way the brain works on this matter.
She said.” Whenever you put in your mouth a piece of candy, food or any food for that matter, the first reaction is in the neurons inside your brain then moving into your stomach then to making the digestion, Depending on how much and what you put in your mouth that is the reaction you will have for a few hours or the reaction your body will have in a few days weeks or months”.
This really stuck into my mind and I tell people about this all the time I talk about autism.
I know we have the food pyramid that our FDA dept. has provided us with , But every individual is different and that pyramid isn’t one size fits all. Just like our vaccines aren’t one size fits all but then that is another subject. Because of the miracle of blood testing now days we can find out what is best for our kids and for us. This test is called an IGG food sensitivity test not to be confused with the IGA food allergy test.
Any more information about this test can be found here
Now it is obvious that whatever is artificial color or flavor .too much of it is not healthy.
Some of you might say “I eat chicken therefore I’m healthier” Think again.
Because the poultry industry sees these birds as meat- and egg-producing machines, the animals are not treated as the sentient individuals they are.
Almost all of the birds we raise for meat have been bred selectively for unnaturally rapid growth, which is further exacerbated by routine antibiotic-use for growth-promotion.
Growing so large so quickly causes immense animal welfare problems, including increased rates of leg, heart and lung disorders. And virtually all of the egg-laying hens in our national flock are confined in cages too small for them even to spread their wings.
We do not need to be a veterinarian to help farm animals.
Each one of us can make a difference every time we sit down to eat.
By reducing our consumption of meat, eggs and dairy products, we can help make the world a more humane place.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh8c9OUti4cMy goal with this article is to bring awareness of what we are consuming every day . As a person who believes in the word of God “The Bible” I urge you to make a change for “Our body is His Temple”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (New International Version)
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
Gloria Rodriguez