A warrior for my 3 kids
After his diagnosis of AUTISM I would kneel down and pray together with my husband hand and hand together we would ask the Lord my son could speak .
From the day of his diagnosis i made it my task , that my son would at least know what his name is . DAVID !!
I gave him ABA for 6 months none stopped learned by me and some training , Never a day dull or a none busy night . Our goal was that my son could only learn who he was .
When he said his name DAVID!!!! WOW !!!! the most amazing night , I cheered and called my husband and his sisters and made a huge party out of this moment . He was never again called anything else but DAVID . he now knew who he was .
I then would kneel down at the foot of his bed and ask the Lord if my son could just learn his shapes , then his colors , his numbers . If he could only learn how to write his name .
So his special education teacher said no he can't . YEAH RIGHT !!!! I said to her . You are mistaken he can and he will !!!!
I prayed for it and after 2 months of ABA he did it !! His therapist was soooooo EXCITED we praised the Lord and then my son .
Then God Proved he can be in regular ed with some therapy still but in general ed . Something his special ed teacher said he couldn't and wouldn't do . YEAH RIGHT !!! I remember thinking to myself . I guess she doesn't know ho my father is . LOL !!!
I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move.
Matthew 17:20
I have been asking my mountain to be moved since march 2007 and it is moving for sure . If only you can feel the same it would just bring us closer together . I have been praying for you . For your faith to grow and I know it will cause the Mountain is moving , I believe it's moving in our favor .

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning...
Lamentations 3:22-23

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