" 1 of 110 children are being DX with Autism in the USA "

" 1 of 110 children are being DX with Autism in the USA "

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Detoxify your child with non-transdermal chelation

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that is needed to detoxify our kids bodies daily . I myself started using it and with much faith I give it to my kids asking the Lord to do his part in the fuction of this natural Chelator in their bodies . I truly believe in the power of natural healing and my kids a proof of it .

If you are interested in more information here is a wonderful page to look at for more information . I myslef plan to go through with this new way of chelating.


Autism is a mysterious and devastating disorder that is believed to affect as many as 500,000 children in this country.
No one knows for certain what causes autism, but one theory — chelation— has sparked controversy. Now, Jim Adams wants to put that theory to the test. In a desperate quest for answers, he is using his scientific know-how to test a controversial therapy called "chelation." And he has a special reason for taking on this mission — his daughter Kim. This report aired Dateline Sunday, June 4, 7 p.m.

CBS Taping of Parents With Autistic Children (Never Aired by CBS) at DAN Conference With Dr. Bernard Rimland.
Parents are able to prove vaccination caused autism in their children.

The LifeWave Booster Patches Detoxify Heavy Metals Without Chelation
LifeWave Carnosine and Glutathione booster patches have great promise for helping reverse autistic spectrum disorders as it is a more effective delivery system because it is natural and self regulating.

Carnosine and Glutathione are the master antioxidants in the body LifeWave Glutathione and Carosine booster patches act like little antennas...programming the body to produce more of these naturally occurring amino acids found in the human body.

They are effective simply by PLACING over the meridian of the body they were designed for. Parents reported benefits in their children after as few as 2 weeks, in the areas of socialization, expressive language, alertness level, energy level, adaptation to change, and curiously, gross motor planning.

Glutathione levels have reached 700 on several people using these patches after several months time...The patches have a calming benefit for Autistic Spectrum Disorder children .. do better in school in the areas of socialization, expressive language, alertness level, energy level, adaptation to change, and curiously, gross motor planning while wearing these patches.

The use of the LifeWave Carnosine and Glutathione booster patches can initiate detoxification symptoms very rapidly with high risk individuals (heavy smokers, people exposed to occupational chemicals and toxins like hair dressers, dentists, welders, crop dusters, roofers, painters, etc). It is important to recognize that this is a natural outcome from any approach that increases levels of the antioxidant glutathione.

Detoxify your child with
non-transdermal chelation.

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