I was blessed to have learned about the harm in Dental Amalgams from the TACA organization , Where I also learned about AUTISM .
Thanks to all of the information I learned in 2007 I was able to choose better for my David who has many sensitivities in brushing his teeth so he had about 10 cavities . Getting him to brush was just a horrible experience. Most of the time by screaming and crying and forcing him to get the toothbrush in his mouth . This is very typical of children on the Spectrum (PDD) because they are just sensitive to that area .
We took the kids to their 6 month dental check up .David accompany me this time because it is very difficult to get David to cooperate . Thank God I have my husband to help the doctor , who by the way is a young knowledgeable guy who explained Amalgams and mercury in 2007. My husband and myself decided that David would not have any AMALGAMS and so we were able to pay for him to get white fills that are 100% natural and safe . they run from 100 to 150 each fill but it sure is worth it . My husband ended up paying about 750 dollars in 2 treatments . The front of David's teeth also needed work so we did the 100%steel that the doctor told us is safe and strong .
I noticed a huge difference between David and Alanis who did get amalgams when she was 2 1/2 this is before I even knew about the harm of them . I'm glad though that these teeth are now falling and she is getting her new ones slowly but surely.
The FDA ( Food and drug Administration) who is supposed to be approving the safest way for us and our kids to receive the best care in Food & in Medicine. Aren't we in the "safest" country in the world , One that looks out for the best of our children?. Well WRONG! , As we came in for my son's dental check up we read the following announcement that was placed all over the area of work of the dentist's .( In regard to the amalgams). So the FDA admits of the amalgams having 50% mercury and it's harm. But yet they approved it for use UNDER YOUR OWN RISK!!!! This is so ridicules .

This is my David at the Dentist . He was being held by dad , Yes he doesn't behave well at the dentist still even though this Doctor has been with him since very small . He had a great check up this time no cavities and all of the white fills are perfect no damages . I guess the 750 dollars was worth it .

Information taken from :What does the FDA ( Food and Drug administration say in their web site about Amalgams ?....
Dental Amalgams
Questions and Answers on Dental Amalgam
*1. What is dental amalgam?
Dental amalgam is the silver-colored material used to fill (restore) teeth that have cavities. Dental amalgam is made of two nearly equal parts: liquid mercury and a powder containing silver, tin, copper, zinc and other metals. Mercury concentration in dental amalgams is generally about 50% by weight, while the silver concentration ranges from 20-35%.*2. What is FDA’s role in dental amalgam?
Dental amalgams are medical devices and are regulated by FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). CDRH is responsible for ensuring that medical devices are reasonably safe and effective and that the labeling has adequate directions for use and any appropriate warnings.
*3. What are the safety concerns about dental amalgam?
Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses. When amalgam fillings are placed in teeth or removed from teeth, they release mercury vapor. Mercury vapor is also released during chewing. FDA’s rulemaking (described in question 7) will examine evidence concerning whether release of mercury vapor can cause health problems, including neurological disorders, in children and fetuses. (What is under neurological disorders? AUTISM, PDD,ASPERGERS,RETTS Sindrome,ADHD, Alhzimers disease,Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety ETC>>> The list goes on)
Since the 1990s, FDA and other government agencies (CDC, NIH) have reviewed the scientific literature looking for links between dental amalgams and health problems.In September 2006, an advisory panel to the FDA reviewed FDA’s research and heard presentations from the public about the benefits and risks of mercury and amalgam.
You can read the summary of the panel meeting at: Joint Meeting of the Dental Products Panel (CDRH) and the Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee (CDER) - September 6-7, 2006
In addition, a complete transcript is available at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/cdrh06.html#dentalproductspanel
It is about time we listen . It is about time we paid close attention to our kids and what their needs are and don't trust all of our Government Agencies to make choices for us . Is about time we start reading instead of DOING NOTHING to better the life of our kids .
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