I am ………
I am the little engine that did. When on my journey in life, my tracks led me to a mountain - a diagnosis of Autism - I looked at it with defeat - thinking there was no way I could climb over it.
I then looked at this obstacle before me, and I said to myself over and over, "I think I can, I think I can...," then I started climbing this mountain The Lord had placed in front of me saying to myself over and over, "With you Lord I can., With you Lord I can….!!
I’m making it over this devastating diagnosis of Autism and are continuing my journey. Knowing all the strengths I get are from Him the one who gave my children LIFE!!!..
(Philippians 4:13)
I am more devoted than Noah's wife. I am cooped up in this "houseboat" for 365 days and 365 nights a year, when the storms of isolation and monotony become most unbearable, I do not jump ship. Instead I kneel down pray & wait for the rainbow that the Holy Spirit of my Lord and Savior Brings to my Heart.
(Romans 5:5)
I am a Christian mother. Real life warrior of Christ. With my steel plated armor I can fight anyone who gets in the way of progress for my children. I I can fight the stares and ignorance of people- those without autism in their lives - and educate them as to why my children are the way they are, and why they do the things they do. I can fight the schools to have them properly educate my children. (Ephesians 6:11)
I can fight all denied insurance claims to get coverage for my children. Yes, I am armed for battle...In the Name of Jesus My children’s puzzle piece is being put together by the healing powers of His holy Hands.
I am Gloria . A not so well known mother of 2 Autistic children who was brought here to touch the souls of those around them, in a way that will forever change them. And it started with me. By teaching me things I would never have known, by bringing me friendships I never would have had, and by opening my eyes as to what really matters in life. Things like keeping the Faith in Jesus , never losing Hope, and knowing a Love that , that words cannot express. (2 Timothy 4:2)
Yes, I too am blessed by a special child, just like Mary.
I am Moses. I am doing my part in leading other parents and society to more awareness, knowledge, and resources, and most of all - FAITH !. Like Moses did, I too, will sometimes meet with resistance from those who don't believe. And like Moses, God will give me the small Miracles here and there, needed to accomplish my mission. (Mark 11:23)
I can stretch limited funds to cover every treatment and therapy that insurance won't. I can stretch my patience as I explain my child's biomedical issues with yet another uneducated doctor. I can stretch what time I have, and share it with my husband, my children, my church, and still have some leftover to help others.
I am David . I will “delight in the law of the LORD,
and on his law I will meditate day and night”(Psalm1:2)
The heavy loads I must carry would make others crumble to the ground. The weight of Sorrow, Fear at uncertainty of the future, Injustice at having no answers, and from Tears of despair, would alone possibly be too much, for someone else.
But the assurance of my Lords deliverance from this and the Joy, Laughter, Smiles, and Tears of pride, - at my children’s accomplishments, - balance the load to make it easy to bear.
I am touched by angels. Angels who live in a world of innocence and purity. A world without hatred or deceit. A world where everyone is beautiful and where no-one is ugly. A world where there is always enough time. A world where they go to bed with no worries of tomorrow and wake up with no regrets of the past. Yes, I most certainly am touched by Angels .
I’m ……special Because they are Special !!!!………
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