The constant reminder that you exist is really what makes me smile . the one that makes me want to move forward . things are very hard sometimes with all of this unbalance of life itself . I make many mistakes and yet you pick me un and help me to fill the cup I one asked you to start filling again .
do you remember that day because I have not forgotten it . as time passes by and because of my imperfection I would like to forget that day I just can’t allow it . you have made me who I’m this day with all of the so called negative things that happened to me as a child and in young adult hood . little did I know you where preparing me to be your warrior .
LOL ... you are so funny with your ways . remember when I met you well it was scary that night . cause I had never seen you and here you where saying hello to me in a very mysterious way . you are indeed mysterious . all of you is and I can’t help but to want to find out more about you .
you are too difficult to figure out there fore I have decided that I will leave it all up to you and let you run the rest of my life till I see your wonderful presence on that glorious day .
I just wanted to say thanks . yes it took me long enough . THANKS FOR BEING HERE FOR ME AND FOR DISIPLINING ME WHEN I NEED IT . you sure know how to discipline that’s for sure . you also know how to show love and to me you have in so many ways it isn't possible to elaborated right now . just when I think I’m alone there u are staring at me right in the face . and telling things like , I told you so .
I never had a father as you know he died when I was just a couple of months old . I wasn't told nice things of him , and I have sometimes wondered how it would be to have a father . I guess because of your presence in my life now I don't have to wonder any more . thanks , you have been a father to me in the greatest meaning of the word because you sure have led me the right way .
giving me the husband and the children I have is a constant reminder of your presence and it only humbles me to my knees . I make mistakes yes I do , but I remember that when David was 2 years old and I would see his face and a little boy who could not communicate to me what he felt , I knew how he felt inside because you where there . I see your struggle when I see my 6 year old suffer the feeling of despair . I see you agony when I see my 12 year old struggle with the everyday battle of teenage hood . I mostly see your face when I see my husband working hard sometimes not sleeping to get the work done every night because if he doesn't we will not comply with all things needed .
lord you amaze me . it all makes sense to me now and it only makes me say ,, thanks because you have showed me truth and it so has set me free . your presence overwhelms and it is indescribable the way I feel .
this is how I know you are real .
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