" 1 of 110 children are being DX with Autism in the USA "

Saturday, December 5, 2009
A Thanksgiving Day Prayer
When we sit down to our meal and pray
We hurry along and make fast the blessing
Thanks, amen. Now please pass the dressing
We're slaves to the olfactory overload
We must rush our prayer before the food gets cold
But Lord, I'd like to take a few minute more
To really give thanks to what I'm thankful for
For my family, my health, a nice soft bed
My friends, my freedom, a roof over my head
I'm thankful right now to be surrounded by those
Whose lives touch me more than they'll ever possibly know
Thankful Lord, that You've blessed me beyond measure
Thankful that in my heart lives life's greatest treasure
That You, dear Jesus, reside in that place
And I'm ever so grateful for Your unending grace
So please, heavenly Father, bless this food You've provided
And bless each and every person invited
--Scott Wesemann
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Jesus El Camino la verdad y la Vida
En Segundo quiero agardecer a mi familia quien estuvo presente y pues aunque mi cunado y mi hermana viven tan lejos llegaron para apoyar ami esposo . Mi madre tambien vino para hacerle saber que ella esta aca para nosotros siempre . Me da mucho gusto que mi esposo mire a una familia unida en este momento tan importante para el y de fe como deve decer . No con pleitos y rencores y hipocresia y odios . Si no mas bien una familia no perfecta pero luchando para sobrepasar sus indiferencia y buscando la guia del Senor para su Gloria ...

En tercero quiero agradecer a nuestro pastor Daniel pues el ha sido un hombre de gran fe y de comprencion hacia mi esposo . Se que el a Orado por mi esposo y mi familia de la misma forma que mi familia lo a echo para que la fe de mi esposo sea mas grande y para que a pesar de sus dificultades el se pudiera bautizar . Gracias Pastor por ser tan bueno y amoroso con mi familia . Deseguro el Senor ya tiene un lugar muy especial para usted en el cielo. es usted y su bella esposa Luisa un gran ejemplo para mi familia .
Hermanos mis palabras no pueden describir lo emocionados que mi esposo y yo estuvimos . Le pido al Senor por nuestra familia que todavia no conosen al Senor para que ellos tambien puedan experimentar sus bendiciones.... y se que unos ya asisten a la iglesia y pues sinceramente le pido al Senor que toque sus corazones para que ellos tambien puedan experimentar la Paz que solo Dios nos da.

Mateo 28:18-20
Se me ha dado toda autoridad en el cielo y en la tierra. Por tanto, vayan y hagan discípulos de todas las *naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, enseñándoles a obedecer todo lo que les he mandado a ustedes. Y les aseguro que estaré con ustedes siempre, hasta el fin del mundo.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
CDC quietly revises autism rates to 1% of US children
Recently the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reportedly revised the rates of autism for the United States and the numbers are alarming. In 2007, the reported numbers were 1 in 150. Today, those numbers have skyrocketed to 1 in 100, and some say the numbers are closer to 1 in 89. According to David Kirby, the data is due to be released any day now.
Corroboration of this number has been tough to find, with much circular logic, pointing to blog posts who point back to his blog. According to Lee Grossman, CEO for Autism Society of America, and quoted by Kirby, that number is correct.
When I tried to verify the numbers, the CDC still lists the 2007 statistics of 1 in 150 in their official report, the new report has not been released) but the numbers on the webpage have been modified to reflect "1 in 100 to 1 in 300 with an average of 1 in 150" for prevalence in autism. The last modification that was made to the page was September 25, 2009. When I checked the internet archives, for earlier cached versions of the page, it was odd that the data page was missing from the archive. But Google cache revealed the subtle refinement of the details. As of yesterday morning, the website was changed to reflect the new numbers. It is interesting that the modification occurred yesterday, Friday, the day traditionally known for burying news that the media doesn't publicize. I don't want to say there is a conspiracy, but why hide the data? Is the CDC trying to bury these numbers? Why isn't the media shouting this from the rooftops? Exactly how common does autism have to get in order to get the attention, research and funding for programs it needs?
According to the numbers David Kirby cites from a 2007 telephone interview of almost 82,000 children conducted by National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH), which is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the US Department of Health and Human Services, your odds of being told you have a child with autism is a staggering 1 in 63. If that child is a boy, odds skyrocket to 1 in 38. That's 2.6% of all male children in the United States. Is this possible?
Further, the report goes on to state that parents told researchers that "60 per 10,000 children had autism at some point but not currently." My thought on this telephone survey is, were these children officially diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, or is this parents who are finding quirky children and giving them the self-diagnosis du-jour? Of course, even accounting for that trend, the numbers are still incredibly high.
How much worse does it have to get? If 1 in 38 boys was born blind or with no legs, would we do something then? If 1 in 63 children was diagnosed with cancer, would we be moving heaven and earth to find out what is causing the epidemic? Would we be studying every avenue, leaving no stone unturned, simply on the word of a few? Or would we use all of science at our disposal, creating studies without exclusions, leaving out our biases and using every available tool that we have?
We don't know what causes these children to have autism. It is probably a complicated set of factors. But at what point do we start researching as though we really want to figure it out? Whether vaccinations are part of the puzzle or not, who knows? Can thousands of parents be wrong? It is just good science to actually explore the possibility. That is, if scientists really want to conduct science. To date, no study with real controls for vaccinations has been done. Is it that hard?
What does the CDC not want us to find out?
photo copyright Valerie Everett, used by cc
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sumergeme !!!
Cansado del camino, sediento de ti
un desierto he cruzado,
sin fuerzas he quedado,
vengo a ti.
Luché como soldado y a veces sufri
y aunque la lucha he ganado,
mi armadura he desgastado,
vengo a ti.
Cansado del camino, sediento de ti
un desierto he cruzado,
sin fuerzas he quedado,
vengo a ti.
Luché como soldado y a veces sufri
y aunque la lucha he ganado,
mi armadura he desgastado,
vengo a ti.
Sumergeme!! en el rio de tu espiritu,
necesito refrescar este seco corazón,
sediento de ti. (x2)
Cansado del camino, sediento de ti
un desierto he cruzado,
sin fuerzas he quedado,
vengo a ti.
Luché como soldado y a veces sufri
y aunque la lucha he ganado,
mi armadura he desgastado,
vengo a ti.
Sumergeme!! en el rio de tu espiritu,
necesito refrescar este seco corazón,
sediento de ti. (x2)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
"un corazon de piedra" In this song she descrives how we feel when we arent close to the Lord an we have difficulty being humble and bending to what the Lord wants us to do in our personal life or inour life period. I have been through many things in my life and I have had "Un corazon de piedra " at times. I feel bonding with the Lord has made me realize how wrong I was and how I ned to make the changes if I wanna live a happier life. Yes to be able to make a change we have to first recognize we arent perfect and we have made mistakes and we must want the change .I hope this osng can be a blessing in your life as it has been to me in mine.
"Corazon de Piedra "
No quiero pensar, en lo que fue ayer,
Porque ayer lloré como una loca y tan
duro me enoje así mismo fué me encerré me
puse a pensar en mil errores que
tengo que cambiar.
Que lástima que tienes que escojer,
si quieres o no quieres las emociones.
Sin querer te invaden el alma
y tu corazón todo te demanda.
Quédate como un paralizado
sin mover un pie,
sin mover la mano
te vas a quebrar si te congelas.
Eso es lo que espera
un corazón un corazón de piedra.
No siempre es fácil buscar la salida,
como un laberinto
no los pintan los temores de la vida.
No tengas miedo de
fallar en la vida mira hacia arriba
y sentirás tu protección divina.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Autistic children can learn about Jesus
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Philippians 3:20
But our citizenship is in heaven.
And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ
We are constantly worried and anxious of whatever the other person is saying about us or doing to us . We are concerned about what is going on with our brother or sister in Christ concerned in areas of others life that really should not matter, Unless those people want you call on you or mention you in any way should you care what others have to say really.Or we confuse ourselves in matters that aren't important at all . Thinking issues are about us or people wanna hurt us somehow.
The human heart is like a garden , If we don't tend to our heart we suffer. The matters of the heart are many . The love of God the Love to our parents the love to our kids etc. If we don't take care of our garden it becomes weed infested , if we have started to bloom the flowers start to die , it gets dry and then dead and it becomes cold and hard.
Hosea 6 :1-
"Come, let us return to the LORD.
He has torn us to pieces
but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds.
After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us,
that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the LORD;
let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises,
he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth."
Hosea one of the minor prophets . He married a woman who later became a prostitute. He was humble and faithful even though his wife was doing wrong.This is a man who pleaded for restoration and guidance from the Lord to his people when their heart's are far from Him .He begins by saying "Come, let us return to the LORD. and then he again invites by saying Let us acknowledge the LORD;. 2 key ways of calling for restoration. In a sense this means for us we don't need to be where we are . This is a teaching of first acknowledging and then acting out with a sincere need of his guidance.We don't have to be where we are , we don't have to struggle with our differences any more . Therefore is time to Come and return to the Lord . It is not about reading the bible 24 hours a day it is not about a religion it is not about hanging out at church everyday . It is about us having a better relationship with the Lord and in turn making the right changes in our life. Doug ht can become faith, despair can become purpose , defeat can become victory . Just come and keep your eyes on the Lord .
Sometimes what we are doing and refuse to stop doing keeps us from returning to the Lord . It is hard sometimes , I have been there and I have done that.
Hosea 7:10
Israel's arrogance testifies against him, but despite all this
he does not return to the LORD his God or search for him.
Israel's behavior is unacceptable to God . This is us everyday sometimes and we are in bondage until we come to the conclusion that we are nothing if we don't have God in our heart. We gotta start to see things different , Perhaps if we opened our hearts more we can let the light of God shine in our hearts, without worrying about others and what their plan with you is . We need to start looking " UP TO HEAVEN ". So that we can change ourselves to what God wants us to be , Whatever you chose to do before you won't do no more , You will tell yourself , No more that isn't me and I refuse to do it anymore. But the first thing to change is to acknowledge and then comes repentance. When you see it for what it really is you can say with respect I'm wrong God I'm sorry for what I have done if I serve you and I'm your child you deserve better then what I have given you so far. I have made mistakes , I have treated wrong I'm undeserving of your Love God . But today I'm returning to you Lord .
Then you come to realize that you want what the Lord has planned for you . You are interested in finding out what it is that holds for your future. Under his hands. We no longer wanna go back to the past we no longer wanna be close to what we used to be . Lets not try to fix ourselves ,allow the spirit of the Lord to work in us .
It all is a blessing from the Lord . The good times the bad times and even the horrible times . There is always a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you look back and decide to sincerely return to God. I pray that we all SNAP out of this ignorance and start fresh with Him . Lets stop the madness between brothers and sister and family members and lets do what is right . Lets always keep the eyes to heaven . Because that is where our citizenship belongs .
God Bless you ....
Gloria Rodriguez
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Our Father which art in heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread.
And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil:
--- Matthew 6:9-13 - KJV
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Una buena Conciencia

(Nueva Versión Internacional)
Señor, ¿cuántas veces tengo que perdonar a mi hermano que peca contra mí? ¿Hasta siete veces?
—No, te digo que hasta siete veces, sino hasta setenta y siete veces—le contestó Jesús.

Es obio que nuestro Senor quiso decir con esta respuesta que no hay limite para perdonar las ofensas de los demas. Hoy en dia vivimos contanto las ofensas y calumnias y no perdonando . como dijo el Hermano Coleto en su predicacion , Porque no mejor ser "NICE" para no tener que llegar a el punto de tener que perdonar . Porque el perdon es importante en la vide del creyente puesto que claro lo dise la palabra que arreglemos los problemas entre ambos.
Practiquemos paz para recibir lo que el Senor tiene planiado para nosotros

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We deal with relationships everyday of our life. If we did not deal with relationships everyday we just would not be human. I don’t mean relationship with your husband or wife but, EVERY relationship. The relationship that you have with your children your neighbor your coworker your family member’s etc.
The need to socialize in a human being is awesome and at the same time sometimes painful. In my short life of 35 year LOL!! I have come across some difficult relationships, some more difficult then others. Making things right has always been a challenge for me in the past but in 2003 The Lord gave me a chance to live again. By introducing me to His word and how to change my life. It started in my place of work with the people I worked and with the relationship with my boss and changing the way I dealt with people of service (Restaurants etc.)As a shipping manager I managed all man except for in my 13 years of service to 2 females. Yes I even had issues with people of service.
I don’t mention my house because I have always been the best I can be at home and in my relationship with my husband I have to say we have seen eye to eye about 95% of the time . Coming from one failed relationship I made a promise to myself that this one will not fail.
Yeah some people specially those who don’t take the time to get to know me see me and see a person who things she is above them all or is stuck up or things she is all that and more. I guess people are confused about the way I carry myself .We all have our life story about how we came to Christ, I have a really good one but is too long. But I do know that coming to meet Christ has been a life changing experience to me and I have and I’m still in the process of trying to change this feeling I can definitely give to people sometimes. I’m assertive, confident and a very helpful person. I like things that are right in almost every area .I’m extremely sensitive and hurt very easily that is my weakness. So some might find me too much to handle.
In any case I like to die trying to be the best I can be for those who chose to be around me. It is so difficult to be at peace with everyone, it is emotionally exhausting to pursue relationships everyday. Especially when they are just not working out. As the Lord has guided me through this road of life I have had to HUMBLE myself to the need of others. It hasn’t been an easy road but with the Lord with me all is possible.
The bible talks about all kinds of relationships.
1 Peter 3:8 (Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.)
Clearly speaks about relationships ALL relationships. In laws your brother your sister your neighbor your coworker etc.,I have had some terrible relationships that I have been able to mend with Gods help but some that are just sinking more and more and more that gets to a point that there is no saving them any more. Everything seems to be going fine but all of the sudden the car crashes and you can no longer take it to the shop to fix it.
"Humbling Spirit"
Humility, if I could just learn to care for others and always see them as better then myself that would just be a huge change in everyday relationships. If we just stop thinking that our way is better or that is the only way, We hate compromises we are inflexible I’m the wise one you are not, I’m at all times more important then you are. Every time we have this attitude we aren't stirring our car the right way.
Gods influence in our daily living amazes me personally; How He uses his rod to guide us everyday like the pastor does his sheep. Literally yelling at you as he sees you moving the wrong direction. “Get back here”. As we have been given the right to chose we are the ones who chose where we move towards. But is we are wise we chose for our Pastor to guide our ways
Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.”
So as we read that Psalm we see that our Lord is very specific when he tells us that He guides us in paths of righteousness. We aren’t perfect but we must try to live our life according to Gods plan. As we proclaim to live a life like Christ did and we live with imperfection everyday it becomes complicated in unstable relationships. We must ask ourselves, are we living up to the espectations that the Lord has for me in my relationship with others? The most commend answer would be NO.
I few have made mistakes in the past relationships the best thing to do is to try to mend those as best we can. We would like the word of our God to be above any petty fight or argument. We show that we have real strength in God , Cause at times I have personally been in a horrible place in my life , But hear me out I have the freedom to say I have been on my knees I’m walking with God and I’m experiencing His strength and no one can stop me at this time .About my future I know the Lord and He strengthens me and He is my Guide and I trust in Him. Things will be better tomorrow.
As we deal with difficult relationships .When it seems like the wrong people are in control. This relationship is not working with your family member your husband your coworkers etc. I will fear no evil, because you are with me God. How do we know this? As I had mentioned before the Lord clearly says that His Rod and Staff comfort me.
He uses His Rod and Staff to discipline us as we stray from His ways, Our Lord Himself allows for difficulty in our life for a clear purpose. This wrong relationship is just a way to strengthen our Faith in Him .He corrects us then guides us back to where we need to be.
I feel proud and happy and humble to say that I have one bad relationship I haven’t been able to fix, But I’m no longer looking to fix it . For I have turned it over to the Lord and He is my Father the one who judges me and disciplines me as He sees necessary. For I was made in His image I too am a parent one who loves his kids and disciplines cause I love them .
Hebrews 12
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline,
and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
6because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."
Wouldn’t it be nice to follow what Hebrews 12:14 say’s
“Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. 15See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”
Our struggles are many but the forgiveness and the strength of the Lord is never ending and it is never to late to start a new life in Christ So make the change in your heart so it all comes close together for all. Think about your life and what ever relationship you have not had success in and ask yourself , Has the Lord guided me with His Rod and Staff but I’m just not paying attention?. Has the Lord disciplined me and I have rejected His discipline because I’m to busy with all of my stupid stuff with my ignorance and in my judging others?
Or have you already embraced the Grace of God in those bad relationships and are now saying this is my opportunity to turn a new page in my life. I shall start to shine brightly in this relationship I will be the humble one Father like you have taught me to be .
The Lord Bless you all
Gloria Rodriguez
Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm proud to be part of this project you can view my pics @http://www.portraitslideshows.com/LinneaLenkus/RodriguezFamily/
I’m so honored to be partnering with Long Beach’s “Steel Magnolias,” a non-profit organization that raises funds for the Stramski Children’s Developmental Center at Miller’s Children Hospital. Over the last several weeks, I’ve had the enormous pleasure of photographing some of the children and their families who’ve greatly benefited from the services provided by the Stramski Center. This is a charity that is very close to my heart.

The children who’ve stood in front of my camera have conditions including autism, Asperbeger’s syndrome, high risk infant development delay, craniofacial deformity and attention deficit disorder. I was simply blown away by the strength, determination, courage and love that these families share. Listening to their stories moved me in a way that is hard to describe, especially as a mother of three healthy children.

The fine art portrait exhibit will be on display at the final destination of the Steel Magnolia’s Home Design Tour from 11am to 4pm on May 17th, 2009. Below is more information about the Home Design Tour.
Steel Magnolias of the Stramski Children’s Developmental Center
Style of Long Beach 2009, Home Design Tour
Sunday, May 17, 2009, 11am – 3pm
View inspiring interiors and fabulous furnishings
Tickets will be available beginning at 10am. $35.00
Tickets are available and the tour will begin at 11am at
Coldwell Banker
1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 120
Long Beach, CA 90804
For further information please call (562) 533-1992
The Stramski Children’s Developmental Center, under the guidance of the Center’s Medical Director Dr. Gary Feldman, include Behavioral Neurodevelopment Programs, The Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Center, High-Risk Infant Follow-up, Sleep Disorders and the Stramski International Adoption Program.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Dental Amalgams What your Dentist is not telling you
I was blessed to have learned about the harm in Dental Amalgams from the TACA organization , Where I also learned about AUTISM .
Thanks to all of the information I learned in 2007 I was able to choose better for my David who has many sensitivities in brushing his teeth so he had about 10 cavities . Getting him to brush was just a horrible experience. Most of the time by screaming and crying and forcing him to get the toothbrush in his mouth . This is very typical of children on the Spectrum (PDD) because they are just sensitive to that area .
We took the kids to their 6 month dental check up .David accompany me this time because it is very difficult to get David to cooperate . Thank God I have my husband to help the doctor , who by the way is a young knowledgeable guy who explained Amalgams and mercury in 2007. My husband and myself decided that David would not have any AMALGAMS and so we were able to pay for him to get white fills that are 100% natural and safe . they run from 100 to 150 each fill but it sure is worth it . My husband ended up paying about 750 dollars in 2 treatments . The front of David's teeth also needed work so we did the 100%steel that the doctor told us is safe and strong .
I noticed a huge difference between David and Alanis who did get amalgams when she was 2 1/2 this is before I even knew about the harm of them . I'm glad though that these teeth are now falling and she is getting her new ones slowly but surely.
The FDA ( Food and drug Administration) who is supposed to be approving the safest way for us and our kids to receive the best care in Food & in Medicine. Aren't we in the "safest" country in the world , One that looks out for the best of our children?. Well WRONG! , As we came in for my son's dental check up we read the following announcement that was placed all over the area of work of the dentist's .( In regard to the amalgams). So the FDA admits of the amalgams having 50% mercury and it's harm. But yet they approved it for use UNDER YOUR OWN RISK!!!! This is so ridicules .

This is my David at the Dentist . He was being held by dad , Yes he doesn't behave well at the dentist still even though this Doctor has been with him since very small . He had a great check up this time no cavities and all of the white fills are perfect no damages . I guess the 750 dollars was worth it .

Information taken from :What does the FDA ( Food and Drug administration say in their web site about Amalgams ?....
Dental Amalgams
Questions and Answers on Dental Amalgam
*1. What is dental amalgam?
Dental amalgam is the silver-colored material used to fill (restore) teeth that have cavities. Dental amalgam is made of two nearly equal parts: liquid mercury and a powder containing silver, tin, copper, zinc and other metals. Mercury concentration in dental amalgams is generally about 50% by weight, while the silver concentration ranges from 20-35%.*2. What is FDA’s role in dental amalgam?
Dental amalgams are medical devices and are regulated by FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). CDRH is responsible for ensuring that medical devices are reasonably safe and effective and that the labeling has adequate directions for use and any appropriate warnings.
*3. What are the safety concerns about dental amalgam?
Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses. When amalgam fillings are placed in teeth or removed from teeth, they release mercury vapor. Mercury vapor is also released during chewing. FDA’s rulemaking (described in question 7) will examine evidence concerning whether release of mercury vapor can cause health problems, including neurological disorders, in children and fetuses. (What is under neurological disorders? AUTISM, PDD,ASPERGERS,RETTS Sindrome,ADHD, Alhzimers disease,Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety ETC>>> The list goes on)
Since the 1990s, FDA and other government agencies (CDC, NIH) have reviewed the scientific literature looking for links between dental amalgams and health problems.In September 2006, an advisory panel to the FDA reviewed FDA’s research and heard presentations from the public about the benefits and risks of mercury and amalgam.
You can read the summary of the panel meeting at: Joint Meeting of the Dental Products Panel (CDRH) and the Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee (CDER) - September 6-7, 2006
In addition, a complete transcript is available at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/cdrh06.html#dentalproductspanel
It is about time we listen . It is about time we paid close attention to our kids and what their needs are and don't trust all of our Government Agencies to make choices for us . Is about time we start reading instead of DOING NOTHING to better the life of our kids .
Friday, May 22, 2009
International Meeting for Autism Research reports latest on autism causes and treatments

900 research and educational presentations, lectures and panel discussions including 30 presentations/demonstrations on innovative technologies for autism
CHICAGO, IL – The 8th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) will host more than 1500 researchers, delegates, autism specialists, and students in the world's largest gathering of researchers and clinicians devoted to a better understanding of autism. The meeting will be held at the Hilton Chicago Hotel from May 6-9, 2009. Meeting sponsors include Autism Speaks, the Simons Foundation, the Autism Society of America and the National Institutes of Health.
Attendance at this year's meeting is up more than 20 percent from the previous year, reflecting heightened interest and more awareness of this disorder that is now recognized to affect up to one in 150 children in the United States and an estimated one percent of individuals worldwide.
Current research on autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) involves sophisticated behavioral, genetic and biological approaches that require interdisciplinary research collaborations to gain comprehensive knowledge of the disorder. Scientists at IMFAR will discuss and disseminate the latest scientific findings aiming to stimulate research progress toward a better understanding of the nature, causes and treatment options for ASDs.
By bringing together both clinicians and research scientists, IMFAR provides a unique opportunity to foster international dialogue across various disciplines and methods.
This year's meeting includes over 900 research and educational presentations, lectures and panel discussions. In addition, there will be a new feature: a daylong demonstration of the latest Innovative Technologies for Autism on Friday, May 8 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Detail abstracts can be found at http://autisminsar.org/docs/PRESSBOOK%20IMFAR2009d.pdf and highlight are included below.

It takes hundreds if not thousands of experts in brain fuction ,biological studies,psychiatrists ,therapist,biology expertsETC>>>...To try and figure our Gods creation . Meaning our kids brain mapping and fuction , The big question is WHY?>>> and HOW?>>> ..It is about time that science starts to see things only a hand full of scientists saw back in the the 1950's.
Dr. Rimland's determination was spawned by his own son's diagnosis of autism, at age two, in 1958. After this discovery, and convinced by his research, Rimland fought hard in the 1960's to advance the cause of early behavioral intervention (commonly known as ABA). While most mainstream professionals rejected it, today - four decades later - they fully accept its value. Now Rimland and his colleagues (who believe that drugs too often cause more harm than good) are pioneering the use of laboratory tests to identify problems in children's metabolism which can be corrected through the use of diets, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other safe and natural substances normally present in the body.
Defeat Autism Now! is dedicated to the exploration, evaluation, and dissemination of scientifically documented biomedical interventions for individuals within the autism spectrum, through the collaborative efforts of clinicians, researchers, and parents.
There is yet another area in which the authorities have again been shown to be wrong-an area which has been given far too little attention. Despite the sacred cow status of vaccines, the truth must be told: Not only has the safety of vaccines been vastly overstated, so has their efficacy. Vaccines are nowhere near as effective in preventing diseases such as measles, pertussis, polio and smallpox as the drug companies, the professional medical associations, the FDA, and the CDC would have you believe.
Parents are in a constant battle with their child pediatrician about their clear IGNORANCE!! on how to detect or treat AUTISM. Autism is a neurological and biological disorder that can be treated to a certain extent. Our number one healer is the Lord the one who created us and our kids .
This hand full of scientist are taking a look at how our body has been created and how it works and how it has the capacity to heal its own self . And is only obvious that it is the hand of God who is being placed on these kids bodies when we see healing happening when we remove certain foods when we make changes in habit like the way we cook our food or the cleaning products we chose to clean our home and how we chose to control how the vaccines are being given to our kids.
These kids are here for a very special reason , That is to open our minds to the possibility to live better and healthier life's . We struggle every single day as we get older with heart disease, hypertension , etc. it all comes down on exercise and the food we eat every single day .
We have been created in God's image that means we are meant to be perfect . Our bodies can take only 100% natural substances to help its natural process of digestion .
Psalms 103:2-4
2 Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-
3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your
life from hell ,and crowns you with love and compassion,
Lets never forget to first place the Lord and our Prayers may always be sent to him before we start anything with our kids . As we set ourselves to healing their perfect bodies .
Autism in Britain costs about $43 billion
LONDON, May 21 (UPI) -- The annual costs of autism spectrum disorder in Britain is more than $42 billion a year, researchers estimate.
The study, published in the Journal Autism, said the cost of supporting children with autism spectrum disorder was estimated to be $4.2 billion per year. The cost of carrying for adults with the disorder was put at $39 billion annually.
Martin Knapp of the London School of Economics provided a comprehensive analysis of the economic impacts of autism spectrum disorder in Britain involving the healthcare system
, social care agencies, education and housing budgets.
The costs were based on estimates for 539,766 people with autism spectrum disorder in the United Kingdom 432,750 adults age 18 and older and 107,016 children and adolescents up to age 17.
The researchers combined existing data estimating prevalence of autism, intellectual disability, place of residence, service use, lost productivity and costs per individual.
The findings were also presented at the Autism & Employment Workshop at the University of London.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Have a wonderful day everyday

4. Stand Up!!... For what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for anything.. "Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good..." Galatians 6:9-10

Monday, May 18, 2009

Young adults David and Lindsey are in love -- and each has autism. ------------------- [FEB 2009]
story narrated by Robin Roberts |
David Hamrick, 29, and Lindsey Nebeker, 27, look like a typical couple in love, but what's not apparent is how hard they've worked to be together.
Hamrick and Nebeker live together in a Jackson, Miss., apartment, yet they have separate bedrooms, eat meals apart and spend most of their time focused on their own interests.
This unusual setup is how Hamrick and Nebeker, who are both autistic, make their relationship work.
About 1.5 million people in the United States have autism, with varying degrees of severity. Many people with autism struggle with the most basic social interactions, so finding love may seem like an impossibility.
Hamrick and Nebeker are high-functioning but, since childhood, both have found it difficult to make friends and even harder to keep them.
"All of her socialization had to be learned, usually by hard experience," said Nebeker's father, Gordon Nebeker.
Autistic people can also be hypersensitive to touch and sound. Hamrick can't stand when the room is too warm and cringes at certain sounds; Nebeker can't take florescent lights; and both are profoundly uncomfortable with small talk, said Lynn Harris, who profiled the couple for Glamour magazine.
CONTINUE STORY: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/OnCall/stor...
I find it to be upseting all of the cuts that the very smart Mr. Cortines has done and will do after summer. I mostly getangry when the first area of the district to be affected is the Special education dept. This group already needs more asistance and it will only make it worse to remove more special ed teacher and special ed coordinators from schools . It is a shame that Mr. Cortines feels this needs to be done . He needs to spend the stimulus money he has already received .
LAUSD ( CORTINES ) I'm ASHAMED of you .......
these are pics i took from outside my window ,I was sad I could not attend with the teachers on that day since I had 3 appointments with David ...

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Los Angeles Unified School District teachers went to plan B Friday after a judge barred them from staging a one-day walkout.
UTLA changed their plan because it didn't want the teachers to risk getting hit with $1,000 fines or losing their credentials.
The union held a loud demonstration at district headquarters Friday that ended with the arrest of 46 protesters who were blocking traffic. Teacher's union president A.J. Duffy was among those arrested.
Teachers also marched outside schools before class started for an hour to protest proposed budget cuts and layoffs, then reported back to classes.The efforts are to voice their opposition to the LAUSD decision to authorize layoffs that could cost thousands of teachers and school employees their jobs and increase class sizes.
District officials went back court on Thursday seeking a more extended restraining order against the teachers, saying they were concerned that teachers would take part in intentional acts to cause a work stoppage, but the judge refused to extend his orders any further.
Eyewitness News Reporters Amy Powell and Miriam Hernandez contributed to this report.
Friday, May 15, 2009

Dear Autism Advocate,
Autism Speaks, the nation’s largest autism science and advocacy organization, today applauded Representatives Mike Doyle (D-PA), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Eliot Engel (D-NY), and Hank Johnson (D-GA) for their introduction of a House companion bill to the Senate's Autism Treatment Acceleration Act (ATAA), which was introduced last month by Senators Richard Durbin (D-IL), Robert Casey (D-PA), and Robert Menendez (D-NJ). Like the Senate version, the House version of the ATAA (H.R. 2413) is comprehensive federal legislation that addresses several critical challenges facing the autism community, including increased funding for scientific research, treatment and services. The ATAA incorporates provisions from the Expanding the Promise of Individuals with Autism Act (EPIAA), originally proposed by Representatives Doyle, Smith, Engel, and former-Representative Chip Pickering.
As in the Senate's ATAA bill, a key section of the House bill requires all insurance companies to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASDs), including coverage of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy – a medically-necessary, evidence-based autism treatment. While the number of states that have enacted comprehensive autism insurance reform legislation has grown to ten, most state insurers are still allowed to specifically exclude coverage for these critical services, which can cost upward of $50,000 a year – well beyond the means of most families.
The House version of the bill also addresses the unique needs of adults with ASDs, creating a demonstration project with one-year planning grants and multi-year implementation grants for the provision of service for adults with autism. In addition, it creates the Network for Autism Spectrum Disorders Research and Services aimed at accelerating the dissemination and utilization of critical, new information, moving it from “bench to bedside” as quickly as possible.
Now Help US Get ATAA Passed!:
1. CONTACT YOUR FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVE! Urge him/her to become a cosponsor of the ATAA bill, H.R. 2413.
> Call your Representative's office and let him/her know that you support the ATAA bill, H.R. 2413, and you want your Representative to become a cosponsor today. Click here to find the name and phone number for your federal Representative!
> Send an email to your Representative! Autism Votes has written part of the email message for you. All you need to do is fill in the empty box with your story about your family's experience with autism and how the ATAA bill will help. Click here to send an email to your Representative!
2. STAY INFORMED ON THE ATAA BILL! Sign up to receive Autism Votes email alerts and stay informed on the progress of the ATAA bill.
3. FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY! Get your friends and family involved in getting the ATAA bill passed.
For a complete summary description of both the House and Senate ATAA bills, visit our website at www.AutismVotes.org/ATAA.
Sincerely,Elizabeth EmkenVice President, Government RelationsAutism Speaks