" 1 of 110 children are being DX with Autism in the USA "

Friday, December 26, 2008

En 2012 lanzan 5ª edición del DSM:
Manual de trastornos mentales levanta debate antes de publicarse
Psiquiatras discuten si las compras compulsivas y la transexualidad son desórdenes patológicos.
Ni el más célebre de los autores de bestsellers logra levantar la expectativa y el debate que está despertando la próxima edición del "libro de los problemas humanos", como tildó el diario The New York Times al Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de Desórdenes Mentales (DSM, por sus siglas en inglés).
El libro, que se edita desde 1952, es un referente para profesionales de la salud mental, pues compila todos los desórdenes de este tipo que pueden afectar a niños y adultos que han sido aceptados por la comunidad médica. Además de describir sus síntomas, entrega prevalencia por género y edad y describe el curso de la enfermedad.
La anorexia, la depresión, la esquizofrenia o el trastorno obsesivo compulsivo son algunos de los 283 desórdenes que describe la actual edición, conocida como DSM-IV y lanzada en el año 2000.
Y aunque la quinta edición saldrá al mercado recién en mayo de 2012, ésta ya está levantando polémica entre psiquiatras y otros expertos en salud mental, inquietos por qué trastornos quedarán clasificados como desórdenes mentales.
Asperger y autismo
Entre los temas polémicos, los psiquiatras a cargo de editar la próxima calificación deberán determinar si consideran como desórdenes mentales la adicción a las compras y la ingesta compulsiva de alimentos. Lo mismo ocurre con el fetichismo.
También tendrán que definir si sacan de la lista los trastornos de identidad de género, cuadro que incluye a personas que se identifican con el sexo opuesto. Sobre si es o no una trastorno ni siquiera las organizaciones transgénero se han puesto de acuerdo.
Mientras algunas abogan por retirarlo del manual, porque no consideran que se trate de un desorden mental, otras prefieren mantenerla, porque así los transgénero pueden obtener cobertura para seguir un tratamiento o recurrir a una intervención de cambio de sexo.
Otro punto a discutir es si el síndrome de Asperger se fundirá en una misma categoría con el autismo de alto funcionamiento. Ambos son casi idénticos, pero tienen distintas connotaciones sociales.
Según indica The New York Times, debido a las consecuencias que implica la calificación para las aseguradoras de salud, para la investigación y para la identidad psicológica de los individuos, "el proceso de edición se ha vuelto un ejercicio tan científica y socialmente beligerante, que por primera vez la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría ha exigido a sus colaboradores firmar un acuerdo de confidencialidad".
"En psiquiatría nadie conoce las causas de nada, así que la clasificación puede ser motivada por todo tipo de factores: político, social y financiero", dice Edward Shorter, un historiador de la psiquiatría y crítico del manual.
Otros detractores sostienen que la política de clasificación de desórdenes del DSM no es suficientemente estricta y por mucho tiempo han tendido un manto de duda sobre supuestos pagos que las empresas farmacéuticas habrían hecho a autores del manual para influenciar sus decisiones.
Para hacer más transparente el proceso, "los científicos que aceptaron la invitación a trabajar en el nuevo manual -lo que se considera una distinción- acordaron limitar sus ingresos por parte de empresas farmacéuticas y otras fuentes a US$ 10 mil al año por la duración del trabajo, consigna The New York Times. Según explica el doctor Darrel Regier, director de investigación de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría, a ese diario, la cifra es más conservadora que las reglas de muchas instituciones y universidades.
100 desórdenes mentales incluía la primera edición del DSM, en 1952. La cuarta y última edición, lanzada en 2000, incorpora casi el triple.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008

¿Qué pasa con las vacunas?
Según la Doctora Rebeca Carley MD. “Si los niños de menos de dos años recibieran todas las vacunas recomendadas por las autoridades sanitarias, cada niño recibiría nada menos que 2.370 veces más de la cantidad segura permitida para el mercurio, si es que existe algo así como una cantidad segura cuando hablamos de un veneno tóxico para el cuerpo.”
Numerosas organizaciones pro salud se han manifestado en Estados Unidos denunciando el número emergente de enfermedades relacionadas con la vacunación masiva de niños menores de dos años. Según ellos cada padre que somete a sus hijos o que el mismo se somete a vacunas tendría que averiguar primero los siguientes dilemas que como siempre dejamos en “saludables” manos de los intereses comerciales de las multinacionales farmacéuticas.
¿te has hecho aluna vez estas preguntas antes de vacunarte o de vacunar a tus hijos?
1.-¿Son las vacunas las que de verdad nos curan?
2.-¿Prevén las vacunas de las enfermedades? .
3.-¿Pueden ser engañosas las estadísticas?
4.-¿Quién facilita en realidad estas estadísticas?
5.-¿Qué venenos contienen las vacunas?
6.-¿Qué daños causan las vacunas?
7.-¿Son las enfermedades infantiles realmente mortales?
8.-¿Por qué continúan con las vacunas?
9.-¿Por qué existe una relación tan estrecha entre la industria farmacéutica, los colegios de médicos, los investigadores, los organismos nacionales de salud y las vacunas?
10.-¿Cuál es la verdadera clave de la inmunidad?
11¿Existe alguna trama puramente comercial con la vacunación masiva?
12¿Cuánto ganan las industrias farmacéuticas mediante el apoyo a leyes de salud que hacen obligatorio las vacunaciones masivas de millones de niños?
Según Viera Scheibner. Ph D.”Desde las vacunaciones masivas en niños se han detectado un gran número de casos de daños cerebrales, cardiovasculares y de otras patologías inexplicables antes de esta práctica masiva de vacunas. La vacuna de Pertussi ha sido según él utilizada para producir encefalomielitis.”
Según Bart Closen, Médico de Maryland” Tan pronto como se empezaron a vacunar a los niños con vacunas contra la hepatitis B el número de casos de diabetes se disparó en Nueva Zelanda,.Lo mismo exactamente ocurrió con otra campaña masiva conta la hepatitis B en Finlandia”
Según Boyd Haley, PhD. “Existe una relación entre la inoculación masiva de mercurio y el desarrollo e enfermedades posteriores como el autismo y el alzheimer”
“Aunque las autoridades sanitarias británicas desmienten que exista una relación entre las vacunas y los casos de autismo, pérdida de visión, epilepsia, problemas auditivos ,problemas de aprendizaje ,y problemas de comportamiento muchos padres han reportado al Dr, Dawbarns que sus hijos no padecían de nada hasta justo después de haberles vacunado.¿Qué otro factor podría haber sido?.
Love, Gabby. :0)
http://stemcellfora utism.blogspot. com/
"I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin." ~ Jerry Newport
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I have to always appreciate the times when our Lord allows us to go places as a family , Because it sure gives us time to enjoy eachothers company , But never forgetting and giving the glory of that who allows us to make things happen . Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ .
Here are some pics from yesterday at GRINCHMAS, Universal Studios .
Precious Gift
Celebrate this Christmas
The birth of God's Holy Son
Give praise and thanks
For all that God has done
The miracles at this time
Are all too often hard to see
All of our time is spent
Buying presents for under the tree
Don't forget the reason
Behind this glorious day
Was a babe born in a manger
On that blessed Christmas Day
His life was laid down for us
Christ, he gave us his all
To suffer our sins for us
In hopes that no one would fall
Our sins have been forgiven
All that's asked is we believe
There are no words to express
The love he has for us
Remember how he suffered
Before he died on the cross
Worship him this Christmas
Fall on bended knee
Lift your voices singing praises
Let him be all you need
Though presents and decorations
Are a lot of fun
Give thanks to God this Christmas
He gave the most precious gift to us,
The life of his only Son
--Stephanie Cherie Burger

Saturday, November 15, 2008
"Mateo 24:3 Más tarde estaba Jesús(...)cuando llegaron los discípulos y le preguntaron en privado:
—¿Cuándo sucederá eso, y cuál será la señal de tu venida y del fin del mundo?"
Más adelante Jesús contesta:
"Mateo 24:34 De cierto os digo, que no pasará ESTA generación, que todas estas cosas no acontezcan."
Les pregunto: ¿Por qué Jesús dice "esta generación" (dirigiéndose claramente a su audiencia inmediata) si se estaba refiriendo a una generación futura?

Saturday, November 8, 2008
What is an Autism Advocate?
What is an Autism Advocate?An advocate is a person who argues for a cause; a supporter or defender who pleads in another's behalf. You are your child's advocate and finding the appropriate services and supports for your child is part of your responsibilities. Becoming an advocate is not something that happens overnight. It is something that you learn about as you continue to deal with the day-to-day experiences and challenges of raising a child with special needs.Some people think that being an advocate means that you must have an aggressive, persistent personality; therefore, they feel that they cannot be an effective advocate. It is important to know that although some people choose to advocate in that fashion, others choose to take a softer approach. As one parent puts it, she has found that "a little honey goes a long way" in her experiences of advocating for her son's many needs. As long as your approach works positively for you, your child, and the provider of the services, you are an effective advocate.Just as different people use different approaches, different situations require different approaches. Sometimes you may feel that you have exhausted all efforts and need help with advocating for your child's needs. You can find help through other parents, lay advocates (people with specialized knowledge and expertise), advocacy groups organizations, advocacy agency.The following is a list of common advocacy skills. The complete list can be found on the Wrightslaw Web site. Although the list on the Wrightslaw Web site is geared toward special education advocacy, the skills can be applied to all types of advocacy.An advocate:

* gathers facts and information
* learns about available services and the procedures to obtain these services
* knows about their legal rights
* realizes that planning prevents problems
* keeps written records
* is not afraid to ask questions and listens carefully to answers
* defines and describes problems from all angles
* offers solutions to the problem or issue that offer a "win-win" situation for all involvedOnce parents have gained experience as an advocate, many choose to become advocates for other families by becoming parent mentors or by working as lay advocates for organizations or state agencies. Some parents are paid for their efforts while others volunteer to help.

Monday, November 3, 2008
Denial and AUTISM!!!!
1. refusal to admit the truth or reality ...
2. a psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality...
I deal with many parents every month that are dealing with this issue in their life , After the diagnosis of AUTISM has become a reality to them . It is normal for a parent to try to fall in the DENIAL process . I know in my personal jurney with AUTISM I had some denial but honestly I had it for a few hours , I thank God for that . As per my husband he never had denial at all . He embrassed the situation with our kids with an open heart . So it's normal for a parent to go through this process but it becomes dangerous for the child and the parent when after a few months or years the parent does nothing to improve the life of the child .
After coming acrows with a few parents who have decided to block themselves from what is real . I have come up with a list of things parents have used as an excuse t o either not give services to their kids or not follow the DAN protocol . Here they are :
1. It is only a speech problem .....
2. My kids is just too active that is all ....
3. He/She will be just fine , We just have to give it time .....
4. It's too much school they are too little....
5. They tell me it is just very mild!!!!.
Now these are only the top 5 , I can't do any more cause really there is too many excuses and I don't have that much time right now for that. But I have as well come up with atop 5 reason's why you should stop think and react to your diagnosis , If you are interested please read on .
1. Early intervention is the key to success with our children . If we have a child who is either not speaking or who has a speech delay . It is very important to first have them assest by the proper person . Once the assestmnent has been completed it is only fair for the child that we ask the speech therapist to explain the findings and to let you know at what level of speech our kid is in comparison to their peers . This is important to be able to address the issue strongly.
We should never settle for once aweek or just let the school deal with it . You should be concerned with your child speech and should be looking in other ways to get speech from none profit organizations via the insurance . Pay for it if you can . But do it at least 3 hours per week . Specially for a just diagnosed child .
If you intent to do biomedical and you should . Get yopurself a good DAN doctor and follow the protocol . and start with the following : Vitamin B6- B12 Cod liver oil ,omega 3, HBOT, Super-nuthera... GFCF DIET and nutrition
2. Activity in our kid is usually normal cause of the fact that it is either of 2 things one is Hiperactivity disorder or the main one , Sensory issues . I ususally go with number 2 the sensory problems . These problems will never go away but can be dealt with .
Do yo uhave a kids that just can't sit still is touching everything and putting all things in their mouth or climbing ETC. well this child is a sensory seeker like my alanis and yo u need sensory therapy that will help regulate his sensory overload . this therapy can be done by parents at home but clinical therapy is better at least 2 times peer week .
This child might as well be having some anxiety too so you migth want to try the following .
The Dan protocal calls for the already mentioned on 1 and add DMG/TMG or a supplement by Planetary Herbals called Calm Child .
3.What are we giving time to??. Our kids with autism have something called regretion . This means if we don't constantly teach they will stop learning .
4.What is too much ?. All medical profesionals and therapist with no exception tells a parent that there is never too much of any therapy . The more the better .
5.MILD!!!. ASD stands for Autism Spectrum Disorder . The spectrum is the following :
Severe ** Mild ***PDD *** High fuctioning *** Apergers
Regardless of where in the spectrum your child is all of the above mentioned are excellent and should be address seriously .
If you are a parent who is in denial I ask you to please be strong and make the right change for your child . I didn't even mentioned all of the things that can be done but here is a few places you c an go for guidance :
Oh and I almost forgot . Please inform yoursel about vaccines !!!!! check you this site..
We will experience the blessings of the Lord when we take charge of thelife and well being our kids . The kids the Lord has blessed us with and has made us incharge of .
I hope this is of blessing to you .
Please comment and add things if you need to
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Considering our ways

Let Us Consider Our Ways
What are we doing with our life?
Are our years well spent or a waste?
Are we thankful for the abundance of life God has
given us, or are we thoughtless?
Do our lives reflect the glory of our Creator?
But even more importantly,
are we living all the possible dimentions of life?
We share with all humanity, and origin in the dust,
and to that dust we shall return.
But there is more to living than that.
"I am come," Jesus said, "that they may have
life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
"I am crucified with Christ:
nevertheless I live: yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:
and the life which I now live in the flesh
I live by the faith of the Son of God,
who loved me, and gave himself for me."
Galations 2:20
The gift of eternal life, which Christ came to give,
begins here and now.
It adds to life's meaning and purpose,
giving courage, hope and peace.
We no longer live, but Christ lives in us ~
the life we live in our body, we live by faith
in the Son of God.
Then, and only then, are we really alive.
Great is the possession of this life
when living for the Lord!
"Let us search and try our ways,
and turn again to the Lord."
Lamentations 3:40
Why is it we often seem to get bored?
Each day is like a replica of the previous one.
We work, we eat, we sleep,
and we get up and do it over and over again.
We sometimes get in a rut and life becomes boring
and uninteresting to us.
This could quite possibly become a problem.
Perhaps when this happens, we need to
take a look at our life-style and ourself.
Let us not forget why we are here.
God wants us where we are because He has a
special job for each and everyone of us to do.
So when you are bored, forget "self" ~
turn to the Cross of love,
because there, full life was made possible for you.
The Cross is the answer to life's boredom.
It's vertical bar points us to God,
and it's horizontal bar points us to others.
We are alive!
And great is the possession of life ~
our first and most precious gift from God.
To feel the sunshine warm on your skin, or the
coolness of the rain; the gentleness of the wind
blowing through your hair;
to glory in a sunset or a smile of a loved one;
to relax in utter weariness,
to eat and drink, to talk and laugh, and even to cry ~
all of this is life. All this is God's gift to us.
Let us consider our ways ~
God is considerate to us in all ways!
"This is a faithful saying, and these things I will
that thou affirm constantly,
that they which have believed in God might be
careful to maintain good works.
These things are good and profitable unto men."
Titus 3:8

Heavenly Father,
as we start our new week, with what seems to be a routine,
please help to remind us of why we are here
and help us to consider our ways.
Lord, keep our faith strong and focused on You
in all that we do.
Empower us by Your Word and sacraments to live
always for You.
In Jesus' Precious Name we prayerfully ask.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Gospel is for everyone !!!

"The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone "
So sad it is as we have made ourselves believe that all we need is material things like a nice car nice house nice children nice husband and even going out to eat has become a priority in our life . It becomes sad as we see those things fade away and we no longer have the house and the car or the nice husband or the nice kids etc . What are we left with ?. People who believe that is of high importance think they are left alone with nothing . But they have not realized that the word of God is eternal , It is the road map to a happy and successful life in all areas . So I go back to say to you the Gospel is for everyone .
The Gospel is for the neighbor you dislike for the mom you can't get along with is for the person next to you at your office you can't stand is for the husband you can't understand is for your kids to grow up ,is for you, is for you, is for you .
The empowering word of Jesus Christ lives inside of us . I only think we aren't listening or we are straight out lazy. Oh we say to each other as long as my children know about the Lord is OK , As long as mu husband knows is OK , As long as my wife knows ETC. You couldn't be more wrong.
Choices , Choices, Choices so many we have to make but we usually don't carry out what the lord intents us to do . I would like for you to consider today the Gospel of Jesus Christ to make awesome choices in your life .Good choices are based up on having already established priorities in your life .
The Parable of the Rich Fool
Luke 12 : 13-21
Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me."
Jesus replied, "Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?" Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions."
And he told them this parable: "The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, 'What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.'
"Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I'll say to myself, "You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry." '
"But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'
"This is how it will be with those who store up things for themselves but are not rich toward God."
The main story here is the use of money but he failed to priorities and by doing that he made wrong choices putting self destructive behaviour in front of him . Just like we do everyday thinking about I , I , I , what about me , what about what I want . This mans thinking like many of us think I will just live life and be marry who cares as long as I'm a good person . Personal pleasure was the main important thing in this parable . Do you find yourself feeling this way ?. I know I have , But stopping your self from making the same choices over and over again make a difference in your life . I would like to encourage you today to try making up with the Lord of your wrong choices and find your priorities for you and for your family . Making the Gospel of Jesus Christ your priority is a start.
Galatians 6 :7-10
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. People reap what they sow. Those who sow to please their sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; those who sow to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Friends we can not deceive the Lord . We can not get away with wrong choices wrong priorities in our life . A good heart with bad priorities still hurt us very much . Many of us do this , Think about your life where you are going , Review talk to your spouse figure out what is important . Do you even have priorities ?. Many of us go around life without a plan , Just living life for living .
Do you find yourself waking up every morning and doing the same thing you did yesterday with no meaning ?. Are you just busy trying to please others and not your family ?. Some of us think making choices is too difficult we think yes Is ALL GOOD !!! .. Are you buying that?. Do you sit in your living room in your house or apartment and say to yourself I love my life my children's life my marriage and most I love the relationship I have with The Lord !. If you have made the right priorities this is you .
Some think rules Oh my God is too hard . Try to make a list of your family expectations . #1 Love God # 2 Family First #3 work hard #4 tell the truth etc. make a list following those and as long as you don't move #1. The Lord has wonderful victory planned for us . Nothing great is easy , The Lord has made you to be successful in everything you do .But choices and priorities are a must in our life .
Proverbs 4:11
"I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight
paths. "
Saturday, August 23, 2008

When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully
and let go, only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you
fall, or He'll teach you how to fly! "The power of one sentence! God is
going to
shift things around for you today and let things work in your
favor. If you
believe, send it. If you don't believe, delete it. God closes
doors no man can
open & God opens doors no man can close. If you need
God to open some doors
for you...send this to ten people. Have a blessed day
and remember to be a
blessing..."sent by my friend Sonia Guzman"
Sensory Integration Dysfunction
(SID, also called sensory processing disorder)
is a neurological disorder causing difficulties with processing information from the five classic senses (vision, auditory, touch, olfaction, and taste), the sense of movement (vestibular system), and/or the positional sense (proprioception).
For those with SID, sensory information is sensed normally, but perceived abnormally. This is not the same as blindness or deafness, because, unlike those disorders, sensory information is sensed by people with SID, but the information tends to be analyzed by the brain in an unusual way that may cause distress or confusion.
It can also be a characteristic of other neurological conditions, including autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, Developmental Dyspraxia, Tourette Syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and speech delays, among many others.
Unlike many neurological problems that require validation by a licensed psychiatrist or physician, this condition is most often diagnosed by an occupational therapist. It is increasingly being diagnosed by developmental pediatricians, pediatric neurologists, and child psychologists. While it has not yet been included in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as a discrete diagnosis, Regulatory-Sensory Processing Disorder is an accepted diagnosis in Stanley Greenspan’s Diagnostic Manual for Infancy and Early Childhood and the Zero to Three’s Diagnostic Classification.
There is no known cure; however, there are many treatments available.
This was a wonderful day , Flying for real !!! another day of plant exploring digging , Feeling the dirt in her hands creates a wonderful way to relax .
Alanis first day of Occupational Therapy /Sensory integration with her therapist Sheyla , God Bless her and her work !.
Friday, August 22, 2008

"School Of Life"
"Let us not become tired of doing good.
At the right time we will gather a crop if we don't give up."
(Gal. 6:9)
Years ago I heard a story about a little boy whose mother put him on the bus for school. Before the bus doors closed and the mother could walk away, the little boy turned around and got back off.
“What are you doing?” the mother asked. “You need to go to school.”
“I know,” he answered. “But I want to stay home today. School is hard, and sometimes it’s boring. And besides, it takes too long.”
The wise mother knelt down and looked him in the eyes. “Son,” she said, “you just described life. Now get back on the bus.”
Lately I have noticed that many of us (myself included!) have had some very long, extremely hard, and sometimes boring days at “school,” and we’ve been tempted to get off the bus and just go back home. It seems no matter how hard we try or how much effort or time we expend, no one appreciates it and we just don’t see much in the way of a return on our investment.
But God sees what we do. He knows our heart, and He knows that we are often weary and on the edge of discouragement. But He has given us a great promise in Galatians 6:9 that if we will not grow weary while doing good and fulfilling His purpose and call for our lives, then “in due season” we will reap the reward for our efforts. We will see that lost one come to Jesus. We will receive the necessary provision or the long-awaited healing. We will experience that restored relationship. We may even be recognized for the long hours we put into working for the Kingdom. Or not.
And that’s the key—that we hold tight to God’s promise and His faithfulness, even if we don’t see the rewards in this lifetime. If we know that we know that we KNOW that we are following hard after Him, pursuing the goal He has set for us, then we don’t need to lose heart, regardless of the results (or lack thereof). We don’t know the “due season” in which we shall reap what we have sown in His name, but we can trust Him to bring it to pass in the fullness of His time. And when He does, the joy will more than compensate any tears we may have shed along the way.
So stay on the bus, beloved! Life is sometimes hard, sometimes boring, and sometimes seems to take forever. But we serve a mighty God—and we serve Him shoulder to shoulder, together. It is an honor to sit next to you on the bus.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Michael Phelps ADHD is not an attention deficit

Many people have no idea that Michael Phelps has ADHD, yet he hasn’t kept it a secret. In an August 13, 2008 TimesOnline article, his mother is quoted as saying, “In kindergarten I was told by his teacher, ‘Michael can’t sit still, Michael can’t be quiet, Michael can’t focus.’ I said, maybe he’s bored. The teacher said that was impossible. “He’s not gifted,” came back the reply. “Your son will never be able to focus on anything.”
How many people with ADHD are told just that – you’ll never be able to focus on anything! Obviously after Michael Phelps’s summer of 2008 performance, it’s clear that ADHD does not have to stop you from focusing on and reaching your dreams.

Today let’s take a page from Michael’s book and channel our passions. If we do, imagine what we can accomplish. As his coach, Bob Bowman, says, “One of the things I call Michael is the motivation machine. Bad moods, good moods, he channels everything for gain. He’s motivated by success, he loves to swim fast and when he does that he goes back and trains better. He’s motivated by failure, by money, by people saying things about him … just anything that comes along he turns into a reason to train harder, swim better. Channelling his energy is one of his greatest attributes.”
Congratulations Michael on your gold bonanza. And thank you for providing the ADHD community a role model that shatters all of our sterotypes!
Now it’s your turn, what motivates you to succeed?

Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Yo Soy ……
Soy el trenecito que si lo puede . Cuando en el camino de la vida Mis rrieles me llevaron a una Montana - El diagnostico de AUTISMO yo lo mire como un desafio , Pensando que no abria forma de superarlo .
Una y otra ves , Me dije “ Pienso que si lo lograre , Pienso que si lo lograre.
Fue entonces que comense a subir esta Montana el Senor a puesto en frente de mi repitiendo.
Contigo “Senor lo lograre” , contigo “Senor lo lograre.”
Estoy sobrepasando este diagnostico de Autismo y en este camino solo tomo la fuerza que solamente puede venir de aquel quien le dio la vida a mis hijos . (Filipenses 4:13)
Soy mas dedicada que la esposa de Noe . Me encuenro en este apartamento como en el bote por 365 dias y 365 noches al ano .
Cuando el viento de soledad y monotomia es insoportable . No me paro y me alejo , Mas bien me arrodillo ala orilla de mi cama y busco el rostro de mi senor para poder mirar el arco iris que solamente el Espiritu Santo puede traerme. (Romanos 5:5)
Soy una madre Cristiana , Un guerrero de Cristo , Con mi armadura de hierro puedo pelear a cualquiera que se ponga en frente del progreso de mis hijos …..
Con la fuerza que el Senor me brinda puedo mirar sobre las miradas y ignorancia de aquellas personas cuales no saben enterder lo que es vivir con Autismo.
Por la inteligencia que El Creador me a brindado tengo la capacidad de educar a aquellos que lo permiten . De la misma forma puedo pelear al Distrito escolar para obtener los derechos de educacion que mis hijos necesitan. (Efesios 6:11)
Estoy armada para la batalla diaria….
Mi nombre es Gloria !!. Madre de hijos speciales que a sido traida a este mundo para tocar el Corazon y el alma de muchos padres que se
en cuentran en la misma posicion mia sin ninguna esperanza de sanacion.
Todo a comensado con migo . Por medio de haberme abierto los ojos a las maravillas y grandesas de mi Salvador . Aprendiendo de ese amor que palabras no pueden expresar (2 Timoteo 4:2)
Soy David ,” En la ley del senor me deleito dia y noche “ ( Salmo 1:2)
Estoy siento tocada por angeles , Angeles que viven en un mundo de inocencia y puridad , Un mundo sin odio ni mentira . Un mundo donde siempre hay tiempo , no hay dolor ni odio .
Estas maletas que cargo son tan pesadas que otra persona creo que no podria con ellas , Pero la seguridad que El Senor me librara de todo esto , Me trae lagrimas de felizidad . Al mirar los abances de mis hijos solo hacen que estas maletas sean menos pezadas.
Seguramente si estoy siendo tocada por angeles …
Yo soy especial porque ellos son speciales ……
Gloria Rodriguez

Saturday, July 26, 2008

June 10, 2008
By Pamela McLaren
Brian Lafferty, radio-TV-film major, holds an anthology of stories that he contributed to.
"If someone were to ask me what it feels like to be autistic, it would be hard for me to describe. I hardly ever think about it."
So starts an essay by Brian Lafferty, a Cal State Fullerton radio-TV-film major, who is proving that autism is not, in his own words, "a curse."
The essay is part of "Voices of Autism — The Healing Companion: Stories for Courage, Comfort and Strength," an anthology of stories from the perspective of parents, caregivers, teachers, and friends.
"Voices of Autism," edited by The Healing Project, was published last month by LaChance Publishing as part of a "Voices of" book series that offers support, perspective, insight and information on life-threatening or chronic diseases.
Lafferty's autism was discovered in 1997, when he was 11.
"When I look back, there were signs but we didn't see them," said Brian's mom, Debbie Lafferty. "He was the fifth child after four girls, so we didn't think anything about his slowness in speaking. In other things, he was very quick, like learning how to read at 5 years of age."
Even with the diagnosis, the Laffertys decided to not place any special restrictions in Brian's life — except for moving him, in the seventh grade, from public school into the Winston School in Del Mar, where he served on the school paper and was senior class president.
"We gave him, instead, every opportunity," explained his proud mom. "And look where he is today."
After graduating from Winston School, Lafferty attended Palomar College where he discovered the college's radio/TV program. Then a friend told him about Cal State Fullerton and its radio-TV-film program. He transferred in spring 2007 and lives on campus during the school year. He hopes to graduate in 2009.
Q. What's your favorite class at Cal State Fullerton?
A. Television drama and screenwriting. During Communications Week last year, I listened to a presentation by TV writer/producer Stephen Cannell. I was able to talk to him afterward and decided that I wanted to write screenplays. I signed up for the TV drama course and did well.
Q. How did you find out about the "Voices of Autism" book?
A. I was taking a world cinema class from Dr. Gloria Monte (assistant professor of radio-TV-film). She knew I was autistic and told me about the publication. She set up a meeting for me with one of the publishing reps at LaChance Publishing, who asked me to write about how it feels to be autistic.
Q. How was that?
A. The hardest part was how to start. For assistance, I talked to one of my other professors, Bob Engels, and he helped me. I feel that my work was satisfactory. Some people think I have downplayed my success. It's hard to describe my experience because I have never experienced having something published other than in my high school newspaper before.
Q. What do you think about autism?
A. Autism has gotten a lot of negative publicity. Some view it as some sort of a curse, but I don't feel that it is. I have taken what other people see as a disadvantage and turned it into a positive. Parents who have children with autism should teach their children to see it as an advantage and, then, they'll go far.

Friday, July 18, 2008
Rms. 3:20 …for through the law comes the full knowledge of sin.
1Co 15:56-57
Now the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
But thanks
be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
There is a great ignorance today concerning the content of sin. The apostle Paul was quite plain as to the “full content of sin!” Including its application to us who believe and to those who do not believe.
The axiom of sin is that it brings death, always! This spiritual law of sin and death has never changed. However, there is victory to be found from sin and death, which is its result! This is cause for great rejoicing! But first let us understand what sin is and is not.
It is no more or no less than a violation of God’s full law! It is not to be added to or diminished from this Biblical dimension as is often done by so many. This desire and teaching by so many that every thing over and above God’s law is sin (if they chose to label it such) is nothing less than their attempt to make every one a sinner even after regeneration!
They do this to justify their “sinning saint doctrine,” which is designed by the devil himself to keep you a “slave of sin.” But the result of following that teaching is being shut out of the kingdom of God and His Christ who will not allow any sinner in! (Mat. 7:23)
However, all are found to be under sin that have not found the Victory Paul mentions above! If the “law of sin is death,” which is defeat, then “the law of the Spirit of life” (Rms. 8:2) is the Victory! But how does that law transfer to me? By “obeying Jesus’ words!”
Jn. 14:23 Jesus answered him, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my word. Then my Father will love him, and we will go to him and make our home within him.”
Some one will protest and say, “but we can’t do it!” No, the flesh can’t do it is true! But the spirit born of the Spirit can (Jn. 3:6)! Now, having been so born, “we must walk in newness of life” and walk in the Spirit we were born in.
Is it still the flesh only? Then you will continue to sin! But if born to the Spirit, you put to death “the deeds of the flesh” you will live and be granted eternal life! This is the VICTORY.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Busquemos Al Senor
"Soy Testigo de Cristo quien murio por nosotros y hoy vive por
nosotros .
Para mi nuestro creador es tan real como la comida que
necesitamos diario .
En especial con todo lo que El Senor a puesto enfrente
de mi les ago saber
que si no hay Duda de su excistencia ."

Salmos 119
(Nueva Versión Internacional)
"Dichosos los que guardan sus *estatutos
y de todo corazón lo buscan."
Busco al Senor en todo momento posible porque se que sin el soy nada y con El lo puedo todo . Tengo 2 anos de constante oracion al Senor por mi familia. Pero la verdad El Senor sabe que han avido pocas las veses cuales yo y mi esposo hemos llorado en su presencia clamando su asistencia por nuestros hijos .
Queridos Hermanos estoy aca para decirles que no solo hemos clamado pero el Senor nos a escuchado de manera Sorprendente . El Senor es maravilloso en toda su Gloria . Como madre de ninos especiales les ago saber que todo lo que los medicos les diga que no es posible . Ya con eso les han mentido pues con nuestro Cristo todo lo es posible y mas .
Busco a mi Cristo diario , Pero hay momentos de prueva dificil que no solo buscamos pero aclamamos en el nombre de Cristo y en unos dias ya respondia . Que maravilloso es El Senor ,
Busquemos a El Senor juntos hermanos todos los dias todo el dia .

Padre Santo escucha nuestra plegaria hoy dia pues somos debiles y sin ti , no somos nada . Gracias por amarnos tal como somos y po rperdonar nuestro specados .
En el santo nombre de Jesus AMEN!!
Tengan un dia de muchas bendiciones
Su hermana ,
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

" Oh ! Que hariamos por andar mas serca con Dios ?"
Esta es la plegaria de muchas personas que en su desesperacion tratan de buscar a Dios . El camino sagrado de poder caminar junto a nuestro Creador . La simple accion de poderse llamar hijo del Unico Dios verdadero . Poder sentir por unos momentos la libertad que solo el Espiritu Santo nos da . Poder mirar alos cielos y quedarte en imprecion por la grandeza de el Creador .
Les digo que solamente por medio de la Diligencia puesta en el corazon se pueden sentir estas cosas y mucho mas .
El Primer Amor!!
Es claro que cuando El Senor orava a su padre lo siguiente el amor dado por su padre fue llave para nuetra salvacion actualmente ,
Juan 17:24
(Nueva Versión Internacional)
"Padre, quiero que los que
me has dado estén conmigo donde yo estoy. Que vean mi gloria, la gloria que me
has dado porque me amaste desde antes de la creación del mundo."Piensas que tu has escojido al Senor . Ni te has dado cuenta que fue El Senor quien te escojio a ti . Te saco de la tempestad del Pecado , Que mas esperas pero de sentarte y recibir toda la bendicion que El Senor te promete !!. Le pides al Senor le adoramos y ya eso es todo , Seguimos sentados esperando El Cielo ?.
Se te a olvidado la Diligencia ...
Perseveracion e n todo momento ya sea porque te fue bien o porque te fue mal . Ya sea porque hoy llovio o porque hoy hay sol . La verdad de esta situacion es que con Cristo no hay dias malos ni dias oscuros . Hay dias de mucha Diligencia con El Senor , Porque con el somos y lo podemos todo Hermanos . Y sin El Senor somos y podemos nada .
Hechos 3:19
(Nueva Versión Internacional)
"Por tanto, para que sean borrados sus pecados, arrepiéntanse y vuélvanse a Dios, a fin de que vengan tiempos de descanso de parte del Señor"
La DILIGENCIA Hermanos es clave para todo Cristiano verdadero , La DILIGENCIA nos hace sobrepasar todos los obstaculos y pruebas venideras . Que nunca se nos olvide que...
Lamentaciones 3:23
(Nueva Versión Internacional)
"Cada mañana se renuevan sus bondades ,muy
grande es su fidelidad! "Sigan adelante con Cristo Hermanos . Siendo DILIGENTES hasta su llegada .
Here he is my big boy in OT
Mi hijo david a tomado terapia acupacional por hacerca de 2 meses , Parese que son pocos pero ya muestra una gran mejoria encuanto a sus motores finos . No cabe duda que las terapias junto con mucha oracion no suelen fallar . El Senor nos abendecido con personas muy buenas para el crecimiento de nuestros hijos .
Mateo 7:7-8
(Nueva Versión Internacional)
"Pidan, y se les dará; busquen, y encontrarán; llamen, y se les abrirá. Porque todo el que pide, recibe; el que busca, encuentra; y al que llama, se le abre. "
David has been taking occupational therapy now for a couple of months , Doesn't sound like much but it has improved his fine motor skills so much he is now able t o put his pants all by himself . so many other things are still needed but I'm sure he will see improvent soon . The Lord has blessed us with a wonderful therapist who takes her time with him and is very loving .
There is no dought in my mind that the Lord is at work with my children .
Matthew 7:7-8
(New International Version)
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. "*************************************
What Is Occupational Therapy and Who Might Need It?
Occupational therapy — a treatment that focuses on helping people achieve independence in all areas of their lives — can offer kids with various needs positive, fun activities to improve their cognitive, physical, and motor skills and enhance their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment.
Some people may think that occupational therapy is only for adults; children, after all, do not have occupations. But a child's main job is playing and learning, and an occupational therapist can evaluate a child's skills for play activities, school performance, and activities of daily living and compare them with what is developmentally appropriate for that age group.
According to the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), in addition to dealing with an individual's physical well-being, OT practitioners address psychological, social, and environmental factors that may hinder an individual's functioning in different ways. This unique approach makes occupational therapy a vital part of health care for some kids.
So who might use an occupational therapy practitioner? According to AOTA, kids with the following medical problems may benefit from OT:
birth injuries or birth defects
sensory processing/integrative disorders
traumatic injuries (brain or spinal cord)
learning problems
pervasive developmental disorders
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
mental health or behavioral problems
broken bones or other orthopedic injuries
developmental delays
post-surgical conditions
spina bifida
traumatic amputations
severe hand injuries
multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and other chronic illnesses
One of the activities that occupational therapists can address to meet children's needs is working on fine motor skills so that kids can grasp and release toys and develop good handwriting skills. Occupational therapists also address hand–eye coordination to improve play skills, such as hitting a target, batting a ball, or copying from a blackboard.